The chemical basis for life
Answer key
1. Most of an organism's cells are made up of water
A. True - answer
B. False
Answer Explanation: Most of an organism cells are made up of water. The average human body is up to 65% water.
2. At what temperature does liquid freeze?
A. 13℉
B. 4℉
C. 27℉
D. 32℉ - answer
Answer Explanation: Water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit
3. Water staying on the tip of a pine needle after it rained is an example of which of the following?
A. cohesion
B. adhesion - answer
C. photosynthesis
D. hydrolysis
Answer Explanation: Cohesion is when similar molecules stick together and Adhesion is when dissimilar molecules stick together. An example of adhesion is water staying on the tip of a pine needle after its rained.
4. Explain the differences between cohesion and adhesion
Answer Explanation:
Cohesion is when similar molecules stick together and Adhesion is when dissimilar molecules stick together.
5. Explain what happens during a chemical reaction
Answer Explanation: Other types of macromolecules and nucleic acids and proteins. Nucleotides adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, and uracil make DNA and RNA strands hydrogen bonds hole these strands together.